nauka języków w biznesie

kursy dla dorosłych

także dla dzieci

i kursy maturalne



Dzisiaj przypominamy czasowniki, które pojawiły się na blogu Fundacji Wola w październiku. W ramach powtórki prezentujemy dwa ćwiczenia: w pierwszym należy przetłumaczyć wyrażenia w nawiasach na j. angielski, pamiętając o poprawnych formach czasowników. W drugim ćwiczeniu należy połączyć definicje z czasownikami. Odpowiedzi zamieszczamy pod zdjęciem książki 📖 i okularów 👓. Have fun and reinforce the effects of learning!

Exercise I. Translate the verbs in brackets. Remember about the correct verb form.

1. If you ....... (będziesz kontynuował) working hard, you'll make progress.

2. Don't ....... (włączaj) the PlayStation. You need to do your homework first.

4. Can you ....... (pogłośnić) the TV? I can't hear a thing.3. Do I need to ....... (przebrać się) for your Halloween party?

5. My dog ate my homework, really. I'm not ....... (zmyślam tego).

6. When you leave the room, ....... (wyłącz) the light, please! The electricity is so expensive!

7. On Friday afternoon, I ....... (dowiedziałam się) I had to go to the office next Saturday.

8. He's crying, because he's just ....... (zerwał) with his girlfriend.

9. How do you ....... (dogadujesz się) with the teachers?

10. Can you ....... (przyciszyć) the radio? I'm trying to sleep.

Exercise I. Translate the verbs in brackets. Remember about the correct verb form.

1. say something that isn't true and something you imagined

2. have a good relationship with someone

3. end a relationship

4. you do it when watching TV/listening to the radio and you can't hear it very well, because it's too quiet

5. you do it when you want to stop watching TV or listening to the radio or when you’re leaving the room

6. continue

7. wear a costume or special clothes to look different

8. you do it when watching TV or listening to the radio and it’s too loud

9. to get some information, knowledge

10. you do it when you want to watch TV or listen to the radio or when it’s dark in the room and you need some light

a. turn up

b. carry on

c. get on with

d. switch off

e. make up

f. find out

g. turn down

h. break up

i. switch on

j. dress up

Answer key: Exercise I: 1. carry on; 2. switch on; 3. dress up; 4. turn up; 5. making it up; 6. switch off; 7. found out; 8. broken up; 9. get on; 10. turn down. Exercise II. 1e, 2c, 3h, 4a, 5d, 6b, 7j, 8g, 9f, 10i



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