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Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of Place Revision 2 📖🖊

Drodzy Czytelnicy bloga Fundacji Wola! Zapraszamy do powtórzenia przyimków miejsca. W marcu zamieściliśmy listę często spotykanych przyimków miejsca wraz z ćwiczeniem powtórzeniowym. Dzisiaj zachęcamy do zrobienia kolejnego ćwiczenia. Należy uzupełnić zdania podanymi przyimkami. Odpowiedzi zamieszczamy, jak zwykle, na dole strony.

Have fun!

Exercise. Complete the sentences with the following words: on / between / over / in / in front of / under / next to / behind.

1. There are two Easter eggs ……. a basket and one Easter egg ……. it.

2. There is one green Easter egg ……. a pink egg and a yellow egg.

3. There are three Easter eggs ……. the grass.

4. There is a hare ……. the grass.

5. There is a white fence ……. some Easter eggs.

6. There is a sheep jumping ……. a creek.

7. There is a bee ……. a blue flower.


Fot. Pixabay: congerdesign, annca, PublicDomainPictures, Susanne Jutzeler, Schweiz 🇨🇭 💕Thanks for Likes, Alexa (Alexas_Fotos), lfmatac, Ralph (Ralfs_Fotos), Gundula Vogel
The giraffe is eating leaves next to / over / in its head.

KEY: 1. in, next to; 2. between; 3. in front of; 4. on; 5. behind; 6. over; 7. under



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