Październikowy quiz
Październikowy quiz
Drodzy Czytelnicy. Dzisiaj zapraszamy do zrobienia naszego quizu inspirowanego październikiem, aby poćwiczyć język angielski. Poprawne odpowiedzi znajdują się pod zdjęciem soul cakes. Enjoy!
Zdjęcie z Pixabay: Manfred Richter
🍄 🌰 October Quiz 🍂 🍁
1. Choose fruit and vegetables which we usually eat in October (in Poland).
a. nuts, apples, pumpkin
b. apricot, asparagus, aubergine
c. peach, pumpkin, peanuts
d. raspberries, apples, radishes
2. What happens to leaves in October?c
a. They bloom. b. They fall off. c. They grow. d. They get eaten by insects.
3. ……… is celebrated on 21st October in the UK.
a. Pumpkin Day b. Courgette Day c. Apple Day d. Orange Day
4. Who is the author of horror stories and poems often associated with autumn and Halloween, e.g. The Black Cat, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Raven?
a. Arthur Conan Doyle b. J.K. Rowling c. Carol Ann Duffy d. Edgar Allan Poe
5. What is the name of a special kind of food eaten on Halloween, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, especially in the UK?
a. birthday cake b. soul cake c. apple pie d. pumpkin pie
6. What is souling?
a. People who carve pumpkins into Jack-o’-lanterns 🎃 get soul cakes. b. People who visit graveyards get soul cakes. c. Souls of the dead who visit their families on Halloween get soul cakes. d. People who pray for the dead get soul cakes.
Soul cakes
(Zdjęcie z Pixabay: alisonyo)
Answers: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5b, 6d
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