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Listopadowy Quiz

Listopadowy Quiz

W dzisiejszym wpisie na blogu zachęcamy do zrobienia naszego kolejnego quizu jesiennego. Odpowiedzi zamieściliśmy pod dolnym zdjęciem.

Zdjęcie z Pixabay: Uschi Dugulin

🌰November Quiz🍁

1. What are you going to do in your ……………………. [time in life when you no longer work, because of your age]?

a. spring years

b. summer years

c. autumn years

d. winter years

2. Which plot was discovered on 5th November 1605 in England?

a. War b. Wartime c. Gunpowder d. Gun

3. What’s the name of the fourth Friday in November? It marks the beginning of the holiday season.

a. Black Friday b. Blue Friday c. Cyber Friday d. Brown Friday

4. What do the Americans celebrate on 11th November?

a. Halloween b. Hug a Bear Day c. Independence Day d. Veteran’s Day

5. Which flower is the symbol of Remembrance Day in the UK?

a. carnation b. poppy c. daisy d. tulip

6. Who is the patron saint Scotland? In Poland, we celebrate his day on 30th November.

a. St. Andrew b. St. Jacob c. St. Nicholas d. St. Martin

7. Which is the title of a song by Guns N’Roses?

a. Autumn Rain b. September Rain c. October Rain d. November Rain

Zdjęcie z Pixabay: monicore

8. What do some animals (e.g. brown bears 🐻, bats🦇, hedgehogs [photo above] ) typically begin in November?

a. migration b. camouflage c. hibernation d. pregnancy

Zdjęcie z Pixabay: Annie Spratt

Answers: 1c, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6a, 7d, 8c



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