Egzamin ósmoklasisty
Powtórzenie przed egzaminem ósmoklasisty IV
Dzisiaj na blogu Fundacji Wola zamieszczamy kolejne ćwiczenie powtórzeniowe. Należy wybrać właściwą odpowiedź (a, b lub c). Klucz zamieszczamy pod dolnym zdjęciem.😊
Have fun!
Exercise. Choose the correct response.
1. How can I help you?
a. I’d like to buy a cookery book.
b. I like buying a cookery book.
c. I’d like to get a cookery book for my birthday.
2. Shall I help you with the cleaning?
a. I’d rather stay at home.
b. I can’t.
c. It’s very kind of you.
3. Where is your book?
a. It’s next to the lamp.
b. It’s interesting.
c. It’s an umbrella.
4. Did you like the film?
a. Yes, I need it.
b. Yes, it was wonderful.
c. Yes, I’d like to.
5. Let’s throw a party!
a. What a lovely day!
b. What a great idea!
c. What an amazing trip!
6. We’re getting married next month.
a. Congratulations on your retirement!
b. Congratulations on your engagement!
c. Congratulations on your graduation!
7. Can I use your bike on my trip?
a. I don’t like your bike.
b. Let’s meet at 5.
c. Sure, go ahead.
8. How can I help you?
a. Would you like anything to drink?
b. We don’t sell salads and pies.
c. I’d like a cheese sandwich, please.
Fot. z Pixabay: djedj, 8618939
Answer key: 1A, 2C, 3A, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7C, 8C
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