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S’mores Day

🍪 🍫 S’mores Day 🍫 🍪

Drodzy Czytelnicy bloga Fundacji Wola, dzisiaj piszemy o specjalnej przekąsce „s’more”, czym jest, jak ją przyrządzić, kiedy i gdzie obchodzi się jej dzień. Pod tekstem zamieszczamy ćwiczenie sprawdzające rozumienie. Zapraszamy do lektury!


It’s a snack, typically made over a bonfire. It consists of two pieces of graham crackers with chocolate and marshmallows between them.

The National S’mores Day is celebrated on 10th August in the USA & Canada.

S’more is a contraction of ‘some more’.

How to make s’mores: put a marshmallow on a skewer and heat it over a fire. When it’s golden brown, sandwich the marshmallow and a piece of chocolate between graham crackers. Enjoy!

To toast the marshmallow, you may use an oven, a microwave, a fireplace (wood-burning) or a stove’s flame.

You can buy s’mores-making kits.

There are cake recipes that resemble s’mores.

You can buy bars that have similar ingredients, but are not served warm.


Exercise. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. Marshmallow isn’t toasted in a typical s’more. T / F

2. There are three ingredients in a s’more. T / F

3. S’more is a dessert. T / F

4. It’s not known what the ”s” stands for in the name of the snack. T / F


Answer key: 1 F, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F.



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