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Questions Revision

Questions Revision

Dzisiaj dla Czytelników bloga Fundacji Wola mamy powtórzenie tworzenia pytań w języku angielskim. Należy ułożyć pytania, aby wytłuszczone fragmenty zdań stanowiły odpowiedź na ułożone pytania. Poprawnie ułożone pytania ✔ zamieszczamy pod zdjęciem deszczu.
Have fun!

Exercise. Write questions for the bolded part of each sentence.

1. I’m walking to the bus stop.
2. We always do our homework ✏ after school.
3. I cooked pasta with vegetables and lentils.
4. I’d like to get a T-shirt for my birthday.
5. Milly forgot to order food for her parrot.
6. Our children like visiting old castles.
7. The cat is eating prawns.
8. It’s been raining for five hours.

Fot. z Pixabay: Pete Linforth, Roman Grac Answer
Answer key: 1. Where are you walking?
2. When do you always do your homework?
3. What did you cook?
4. What would you like to get for your birthday?
5. What did Milly forget to do?
6. What do your children like doing?
7. What is the cat eating?
8. How long has it been raining?



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