Gingerbread House Day
Gingerbread House Day
12th December
Z okazji Dnia domku z piernika (12 grudnia) przedstawiamy garść informacji o piernikowych chatkach. Są to zarazem sposoby i pomysły na to, jak uczcić taki dzień.
Read and enjoy!
Fun Facts
Gingerbread houses have long been present in Christmas celebrations and traditions. Here are some examples.
A good idea is to read a book 'A Gingerbread House' (2021).
There are some decorations shaped as a gingerbread house, e.g. a candle and a variety of glass Christmas baubles.
You may watch a film: ‘The Gingerbread House’ directed by Colin Finbow (1997) and 'Gingerbread House' directed by Mathieu Charest (2013).
Gingerbread houses probably originated in Germany in 16th century, but didn't become popular until early 19th century.
A witch's house made of bread, cake and sugar appeared in the Grimm's 'Hansel & Gretel', though it's unclear if the brothers came up with it or they used this idea in their story because they knew it.
Make a gingerbread house yourself to celebrate. Here are a few ideas on how to make and decorate your house: 17 Gingerbread House Ideas.
To make sure that all the pieces of your house can be assembled to make a shapely house, remember to use a template.
You may also make Santa's workshop/town/village/your neighbourhood of gingerbread. It is used to make all the elements of the workshop/town/village.
Families meet to bake and/or decorate gingerbread houses, making it a merry family get- together.
People break records to make 'the largest gingerbread village'. Read about it at:
You may want to take part in a workshop on how to make gingerbread houses.
Gingerbread houses are often accompanied by gingerbread men. There is ‘The Gingerbread Man Story‘ available at:
To practice English and do a grammar activity and read about a gingerbread man, available at: ctice/past-simple-tense/the-gingerbread-man-2-versions-reading-and-gap-fill/93960
Have a look at a few photos of lovely gingerbread houses and enjoy the day!
Fot. z Pixabay: Jill Wellington, Kris, Adriana Macias, Liza W., Whizartmedia, congerdesign, Jill Wellington, Andreas Lischka
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